Utah Hockey Fearless in the Fight!
To All Hockey Fans,
As you all may or may not know October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. On October 19th the University of Utah Hockey team will be sponsoring their First Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Night (UTES Hockey-FEARLESS IN THE FIGHT)! When I was asked to spearhead this event, I was more than happy to do it. I think we would have to look far and wide to find someone who has not been touched in some way by Breast Cancer.
Our hope is that you will join us and the Skatin’ Utes in trying to make this event a huge success! We are still looking for volunteers to help with the event as well as donations for a raffle. Nothing is too small or to BIG. First and foremost, we want to fill the building with people in PINK (PINK is the new RED you know), so please spread the word!
Here are a few of the events for the evening:
-Auctioning off the players pink jerseys
-Vendor Booths
-Selling breast cancer t-shirts
-Selling pink cotton candy
-Face painting
-Grizzbee from the Utah Grizzlies will be at the game
Get your tickets or donate online today!
Bridgette Bertagnolli
Please email us with donation and volunteer questions.