Utah Hockey approved for non-profit status

November 28, 2022
Salt Lake City, Utah
Utah Hockey is pleased to announce the finalization of their transition to an official public charity with tax-exempt status under the 501(c)(3) United States Internal Revenue Code.
The granting of a nonprofit status to Utah Hockey is a major milestone for the flagship hockey organization in the State of Utah, which currently offers three programs for matriculated student athletes at the University of Utah.
University of Utah Hockey offers the only Women’s Division 1 program along with the only Men’s Division 1 program in Utah. The Men’s Division 1 program was announced in 2016 when they transitioned from Division 2 to Division 1. The women’s program was announced in 2018 and began play in 2019. In addition, Utah Hockey also has a Men’s Division 2 program, which began in 2021 after a five year absence from Division 2 play.
All three programs are fully recognized by the American Collegiate Hockey Association.
“We are very excited to complete this lengthy transition and hope it will allow our program expedited growth in the near future,” said Utah President & GM AJ Boldan.
The team was founded in 2006 and grown quickly to compete effectively in both regional and national competition. The Skatin’ Utes promote academics in conjunction with athletic leadership both on and off the ice.
Student Athletes come from 22 different states and provinces across North America. In addition, our team represents 4 different countries with geographic diversity growing every year.
One of the most distinct provisions unique to Section 501(c)(3) organizations as compared with other tax exempt entities is the tax deductibility of donations. 26 U.S.C. § 170, provides a deduction, for federal income tax purposes, for donors who make charitable contributions to most types of 501(c)(3) organizations.
Ways you can help support Utah Hockey:
1- Donate directly, which can be done online in amounts less the $5,000. Please contact us here for amounts larger than $5,000.
2- Use Amazon Smile, which offers feel-good shopping. Register here, and then shop at Amazon and they will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to Utah Hockey, at no cost to you. Same products, same prices, same service, and everyone wins.
3- Signup for Philanthropi, which is leading the next generation of philanthropy through its innovative giving platform, which lets you create your own personal charitable giving account. Philanthropi has partnered with companies like American Express, to create the new Amex Round-Up™ offering lets you round up spending on selected purchases – and then those dollars go toward charities you select. Just set up an Impact Account™ through Philanthropi and use your eligible American Express® Card like you always do. It’s an easy way to simplify and manage your giving to the causes you care about.
Utah Hockey could not be as successful as it is without the generous support of a caring community.